11ty Clean blog and cleaner repository

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I have been loving the new 11ty 3.0.0 release. This release is radically simple and for someone like me who is just dipping my toes into the 11ty waters having a simplifed SSG is critical. One of the things I have been working on this holiday break is trying to figure out what is my optimal repoistory layout. I want to keep things, clean, simple, and easy for myself and whomever may look at my code or projects later.

In order to better understand one how best to create an 11ty template for myself and two how best to make this structure, I ported Start Boostrap's Clean blog template to 11ty.

The strucutre that I like is below

├── /_config
├── /_data
├── /_includes
│   └── /_includes/partials
├── /content
│   ├── /content/blog
│   └── /content/feed
└── /public
    ├── /public/css
    ├── /public/images
    └── /public/js

Filters go in _config to be set and left alone. _Data for anyting I want to customize. _includes was tricky. I am still trying to figure out a reasonable balance between too many and not enough partials for templating here. Any guidance would be appreciated.

Pages go out in the open in /content/, Collections into a lovely subfolder (/blog), and beautiful RSS feeds go into /feed. Taking advantage of the new 11ty 3.0.0 plugins like image transform, and others I have moved images, css, and js to make pass through easier and in order to simply my own config files.

Also thanks to Bob Monsor, and all of the wonderful folks in the community who have written posts about implementing

If you wish to see my porting of clean blog the demo is at: and github repo

Tags : website 11ty


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